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29 Courses

Oklahoma – 4-H Natural Resource: Forestry, Wildlife, and Outdoor Skills
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Oklahoma – 4-H Natural Resource: Forestry, Wildlife, and Outdoor Skills

Volunteer Continuing Education

This course is one VCE credit.

Dr. Kevin Allen shares a smorgasbord of resources for working with 4-H members in the areas of Forestry, Wildlife, and Outdoor Skills.

Oklahoma - Respecting Civil Rights
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Oklahoma - Respecting Civil Rights

Welcome to Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Services review of Titles VI, VII and IX.

Oklahoma - 4-H 101: Tips and Tricks for Club Organization
Volunteer Training
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Teacher: Jake Pakovich

Oklahoma - 4-H 101: Tips and Tricks for Club Organization

Volunteer Continuing Education


This course is one VCE credit.


Wilson 4-H club leader, Kelli Morgan shares tips, tricks and resources for keeping a 4-H club informed and organized.


4-H - National Shooting Sports - Instructor Primer
Volunteer Training
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4-H - Curso de Formacion Para Voluntarios
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

4-H - Curso de Formacion Para Voluntarios

¡Gracias por elegir 4-H para participar como voluntario! Desde que 4-H comenzó hace más de 100 años, se ha convertido en la organización de desarrollo de jóvenes más grande del país, que sirve a casi 6 millones de jóvenes.

4-H - Volunteer Training Course
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

4-H - Volunteer Training Course

Alaska - 4-H Driver Training
Volunteer Training
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Teacher: Erika Jeffries

Alaska - 4-H Driver Training

Only take this course if you have been instructed by your 4-H staff to do so. If you are not intending to drive 4-H youth during 4-H events, there is no need to pass this course. Instead, please ask for the 4-H Driver Training Opt-Out form from your local 4-H office.

Alaska - Civil Rights and Responsibilities
Volunteer Training
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Teacher: Erika Jeffries

Alaska - Civil Rights and Responsibilities

Course participants will?

  1. Understand the basis for civil rights responsibilities
  2. Learn key terms and concepts
  3. Understand your civil responsibilities as a volunteer

Alaska - Protection of Minors Training for Authorized Adults
Volunteer Training
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Teacher: Erika Jeffries

Alaska - Protection of Minors Training for Authorized Adults

UAF Protection of Minors for Authorized Adults is a course designed for adults working with youth. This training is required annually. 

There is a quiz at the end of the course that you must pass with 100% for the course to be counted as "Complete".

Alaska - Safe Title IX Training 2023-2024
Volunteer Training
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Idaho - 4-H Volunteer Orientation Modules
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Idaho - 4-H Volunteer Orientation Modules

The Idaho 4-H Volunteer Orientation Modules is an online course designed to orient new 4-H volunteers. Participants will learn about Volunteer Roles & Relationships, Positive Youth Development, Youth/Adult Partnerships and Safe & Inclusive Environments. Learn by Doing

Idaho - University of Idaho Protecting Minors
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Idaho - University of Idaho Protecting Minors

The UI/4-H Protecting Minors Training is a required training for Idaho 4-H Volunteers. The training must be completed before working with minors. The training is valid for 3 years. The training will need to be completed again if there is a break in service.

Maine - 4-H Volunteer e-Learning Modules
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Maine - 4-H Volunteer e-Learning Modules

The Maine 4-H Volunteer e-Learning Modules is an online course designed to orient new 4-H volunteers. 

Participants will learn about: 

  • Volunteer Roles & Relationships
  • Positive Youth Development
  • Youth/Adult Partnerships
  • Safe & Inclusive Environments. Learn by Doing

Once you complete the four e-Learning modules, if you decide to you would like to apply to be a 4-H volunteer, click on the Maine 4-H Volunteer Certification Process module to begin the application process.

Maine - Introduction to Cultural Competency for 4-H Volunteers
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Maine - Introduction to Cultural Competency for 4-H Volunteers

4-H volunteers play an important role in ensuring that young people of all identities and cultures experience a sense of safety and belonging in 4-H spaces. This training explores how volunteers can begin to work toward cultural competency; the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that are required to be culturally responsive volunteers; and how to recognize and improve our organizational culture.

Maine - 4-H Volunteer Application Process
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Maine - 4-H Volunteer Application Process

All adults working with youth as 4-H volunteers for more than eight hours/year are required to be certified by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Volunteers become certified through the following process:

Step 1: Application and Background Check
Step 2: Two Required Videos
Step 3: Interview and Enrollment
Step 4: Core Training

Montana - 4-H Volunteer Orientation
Volunteer Training
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Volunteer Training

Montana - 4-H Volunteer Orientation

What will you learn? The volunteer orientation course is designed to provide every volunteer with the basic fundamentals to succeed as a 4-H Volunteer. The orientation will provide an overview of positive youth development, policy and procedures, general 4-H information, and provide you with the tools needed to volunteer. 

Thank you for becoming a volunteer with Montana 4-H.